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Monday, July 28, 2008

Facebook Mob Wars Requests

In a response to a question that I recently answered in regard to how to accept Mob War Requests, here is a quick tip:
  • The requests either come through Facebook Home or in Mob Wars. They are not sent via the "inbox".
  • If someone invites you to be in their mob, you see an "accept" request the next time you visit Mob Wars. Furthermore, you can also view the request when you visit the Facebook "Home". The Mob Wars invite will be listed under "Requests".
  • Once you accept the requests in Facebook, you will be taken directly into Mob Wars. No further action is required, if you accept the requests in Facebook.

Hope this helps.

How to Add Members to Your Facebook Mob Wars Mob

To invite a person to play Mob Wars, they must be in your friends list. Here are some general steps.

  • Either send a friend request or accept a friend request.
  • If you send a request, be certain to place “Mob Wars” in the personal message
  • Visit the Mob Wars Application and Click “My Mob ([some number])”
  • Highlight the Mob Wars friend that was added to your friends list (Daily Limits on invites)
  • Send Invitation

On the “Home” page, a message will display stating “Guido Chicken Ear” has been added to your Mob, once they have accepted your request; likewise, if they send you a request, you will be prompted to accept their request in Mob Wars. You will see the invite when you visit Mob Wars.

Also, here is a way to accelerate your mob recruiting.

Hope this helps.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Facebook Mob Wars Real Estate Decisions: Double down or buy a Villa?

Did you also know that it is sometimes a good investment to purchase Villas, even if you are able to afford Casinos? Furthermore, do you struggle when deciding which property to purchase? If you answered yes, you are not alone.

Purchasing real estate investments in Mob Wars is similar to purchasing real estate in the real world. In the real world, consideration is given to how much income is generated; furthermore, as the supply decreases, the cost of property increases.

A common mistake that mobsters make is to only look at income alone, without taking into account unit income, property cost, and the cost to acquire new land for future purchases. If you look at income alone, you will end up with a sizable portfolio of casinos.

The formula below must be repeated for each property or land, so that you can evaluate each piece of real estate relative to all real estate owned:

(elevated land cost + elevated property cost) /Income Per Unit = Unit Investment Cost

In order to get the most return out of your investment, take all of the previous variables into account, and purchase the items with the lowest unit investment cost.

I have a documented process to help you make smart purchasing decisions. You can purchase as a standalone document, or purchase the real estate investment decision spreadsheet in the Hitlist Strategy Guide package.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Top Three Reasons to Join a Mob Wars Group

This is a bit of a continuation of a previously posted article related to: Mob Laundry Blog: 2 Hot Tips to help you out of a Mob Wars Recruiting Rut

Groups have become multi-purpose on Social Networking Sites, such as MySpace and Facebook. Related to Mob Wars, here are few reasons to join a Mob Wars groups.
  1. First of all, when you are in the process of building a substantial mob that you can be proud of, the first reason to join a mob is to post "Add Me to your Mob Please".
  2. The second reason to join a group is for the purpose of discussion very important issues, such as "please take this guy out, he is has put me on the hitlist 20 times today".
  3. Lastly, I have seen a phenomenon where actual Mobs are forming. The premise is the mob will stick together in order to repeatedly punch attacking mobs in the face, etc...

There are several other reasons to join a group.

I leave you with this one last question, "Why do you join Mob Wars Groups?”

if you are so inclined, feel free to Go To Facebook Mob Wars Expansion Group, and invite others to join.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

2 Hot Tips to help you out of a Facebook Mob Wars Recruiting Rut

Some of you may have experienced times where your mob was expanding at an accelerated pace, but then recruiting slowed. Here are two powerful tips to ignite your recruiting:

A. First, join as many “Add Me” groups as you can. When you think you have joined enough, find a couple of more and join them. The reason why this works is because not everyone is a member of more than one “Add Me” group. You remove overlap in mobs that you may have previously added, and expose yourself to mobs you have not added.

Every day, visit all of the sites and place an “Add Me” request on each of the group's Walls.

B. Second, visit: facebook mob wars discussion thread
posting on the discussion board. By following the invite instructions, your mob will grow exponentially in a short while. This trick is really something special.

Need a Histlist Strategy Guide?

check out our mob laundry apparel . We feature the "Add Me or I will Punch Myself in the Face" clothing line.

How to Calculate Gang Wars and Mob Wars Fights Won/Lost Percentages

The formulas are:

Fights Won/(Fights Won + Fights Lost) *100 = Percentage of Fights Won
Fights Lost/ Fights Won + Fights Lost) *100 = Percentage of Fights Lost

Here is a walkthrough example:

Fights Won: 1932
Fights Lost: 1065
1932/(1932 + 1065) * 100 = 64.46% of Fights won
1065/1932 + 1065) * 100 = 35.54% of Fights Lost

Need a Real Estate Investment Decision Spreadsheet to help you with what property to buy next.

How to Effectively Purchase Real Estate in Facebook Mob Wars

The old saying “location, location, location”, should be restated to “quantity, quantity, quantity”, as related to purchasing building structures in Mob Wars.

The reason why quantity is so important is because building prices increase each time a purchase is made. It does not matter if you purchase one, five or ten building structures at a time, unit prices will always go up.

As a guideline, always try and purchase in increments of tens. This will save you money in the long run.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Breaking News: The Godfather Brings the Pain

Yesterday I was browsing Mob Wars application page, as I normally do to find out if there is anything interesting coming up, and I found a little note about an obscure tool bar that mobsters can use to cheat.

Basically the tool bar can be used to play the entire game of Mob Wars for you, without any interaction whatsoever.

If you want to see how the Godfather “aka Jason” brought the pain, check out this account:

How to Create an Arch Nemesis in Facebook Mob Wars

So, you want a “Guido Pigeon Ear” in your life (Name changed to protect the innocent). “Guido Pigeon Ear” has plagued me since I can’t remember.

I am constantly reminded that he or she still has me in his or her “Home Page” history, by the occasional and unwarranted, “Punch in the Face” or “Attack”.

Here is how to create your own “Guido Pigeon Ear” in Mob Wars:1. Go to the “Hitlist” or "Fight Page" to find someone who is close or near to your level. The goal is to pick a mob where you can create completion on gathering members, stockpile, etc…

2. After you have either killed them on the “Hitlist” or “Attacked” them on the “Fight” list, then wait for them to retaliate. Retaliation of the potential candidate is key. In order to create a nemesis, you need them on the history of you “Home” page. It is Important to not delete history from your “Home” page.

3. Once the mob has attacked, periodically “Punch in Face” or “Attack”. You can also “Hitlist” this person. “Guido Pigeon Ear” has hit listed me more time that I count. From here, when you come in to do your daily jobs or whatever your specialty is, you can always enjoy a quick “punch in the face” to your “Guido Pigeon Ear”.

This is just for fun. So, go ahead and give it a shot.