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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Facebook Mob Wars Real Estate Decisions: Double down or buy a Villa?

Did you also know that it is sometimes a good investment to purchase Villas, even if you are able to afford Casinos? Furthermore, do you struggle when deciding which property to purchase? If you answered yes, you are not alone.

Purchasing real estate investments in Mob Wars is similar to purchasing real estate in the real world. In the real world, consideration is given to how much income is generated; furthermore, as the supply decreases, the cost of property increases.

A common mistake that mobsters make is to only look at income alone, without taking into account unit income, property cost, and the cost to acquire new land for future purchases. If you look at income alone, you will end up with a sizable portfolio of casinos.

The formula below must be repeated for each property or land, so that you can evaluate each piece of real estate relative to all real estate owned:

(elevated land cost + elevated property cost) /Income Per Unit = Unit Investment Cost

In order to get the most return out of your investment, take all of the previous variables into account, and purchase the items with the lowest unit investment cost.

I have a documented process to help you make smart purchasing decisions. You can purchase as a standalone document, or purchase the real estate investment decision spreadsheet in the Hitlist Strategy Guide package.

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