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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Facebook: Is Gang Wars, Mob Wars 2.0

I have spent some time playing Gang Wars. I have reached a level that is respectable. I am flush with cash. I can even afford the highest priced item on Gang Wars weapons list; however, I get a sense of deja vu when I play Gang Wars.

You Mob Wars converts know what I am talking about. Here is a quick comparison of Mob Wars Vs. Gang Wars :

  1. In Mob Wars, you can see your own Hitlist price. In Gang Wars you can't see your own Hitlist Price.
  2. In Gang Wars you can lose cash when fighting. In Mob Wars you keep your cash, even if you lose the fight.
  3. In my objective opinion, it is easier to build cash flow in Gang Wars.
  4. In Gang Wars there is no upkeep on weapons. In Mob Wars almost all stockpile items come at a cost.
What differences have you noticed?

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